uh...uh...David "Kantro." Please check out my blog. It is private, so I don't know how you deal with all that...I'm new to this whole self-important-online-publication shiz. It's 'called' http://www.mavieaparis.blogspot.com/ I know. Original. But, this particular Edgar Allen Poe short story has been my favorite since I was eleven. I have stalked your blog so, so, so many times. Somehow I missed this one. I simply love it. I hope you appreciate your personal shout out on my silly little blog. --KP <3
uh...uh...David "Kantro." Please check out my blog. It is private, so I don't know how you deal with all that...I'm new to this whole self-important-online-publication shiz. It's 'called' http://www.mavieaparis.blogspot.com/ I know. Original. But, this particular Edgar Allen Poe short story has been my favorite since I was eleven. I have stalked your blog so, so, so many times. Somehow I missed this one. I simply love it. I hope you appreciate your personal shout out on my silly little blog. --KP <3
There is an animated version of The Tell-Tale Heart at:
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